Under the inspiration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Chabad House at Amherst works to provide a home away from home for every Jewish student, as well as providing services to the greater community.

Welcome back UMass students!

Friday, March 28th – Services at 8:00 pm, dinner follows at 8:30 pm!

Sunday 3/23 7:00 pm – Greenfield Chassidus Class

Monday 3/24 7:00 pm – Sinai Scholars 4th class

Tuesday 3/25 8:00 pm – Talmud Class (online)

Wednesday 3/26 7:00 pm – Scriptures Class (online)

Wednesday 3/26 8:00 pm – Gift making for a happy spring! An arts and crafts evening creating small treasures to share with Delta Sigma Pi

Thursday 3/27 8:00 pm – Pizza Kabbalah & Hookah

Saturday 3/29 10:00 am – Shabbos Morning Services followed by Kiddush

Mazel Tov to Jasper Lapienski on his engagement to Shoshana Malik!