Upcoming Events

Yom Kippur with Chabad!

Friday, October 11

4:45 pm: Pre-Fast meal, RSVP though walk-ins are welcome

5:56 pm: Candlelighting

6:10 pm: Kol Nidrei & Evening Service

6:14 pm: Fast Begins 

Saturday, October 12

10:00 am: Morning Service

4:00 pm: Break

4:45 pm: Mincha & Neilah

6:54 pm: Fast Ends, Evening Service, Break the Fast meal 

Sukkot with Chabad!

Wednesday, October 16

6:30 pm: Evening Services

7:00 pm: Holiday meal in the Sukkah (back of Chabad House)

Thursday, October 17

10:00 am: Morning Services

1:00 pm: Holiday meal in the Sukkah

7:00 pm: Evening Services

7:30 pm: Holiday meal in the Sukkah 

Friday, October 18

10:00 am: Morning Services

1:00 pm: Holiday meal in the Sukkah

5:44 pm: Candlelighting

6:30 pm: Evening Services

7:00 pm: Shabbat meal in the Sukkah

Saturday, October 19

10:00 am: Morning Services

1:00 pm: Shabbat meal in the Sukkah 

Tuesday, October 22

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm: Shawarma in the Sukkah!

11:00 pm: Begin all night Torah Study for Hoshana Rabba

Wednesday, October 23

5:37 pm: Candlelighting

6:30 pm: Evening Services

7:00 pm: Holiday meal and Hakafos

Thursday, October 24

10:00 am: Morning Services

1:00 pm: Holiday meal in the Sukkah

8:00 pm: Evening Services, Kiddish & Hakafos for Simchas Torah! Holiday meal follows!

Friday, October 25

10:00 pm: Morning Services

12:00 pm, Kiddush, Hakafos, Musaf and Holiday meal

5:34 pm: Candlelighting

6:30 pm: Evening Services

7:00 pm: Shabbat meal

Saturday, October 26

10:00 am: Morning Services

1:00 pm: Shabbat meal

5:30 pm: Farbrengen & meal to end the holiday season!